Thursday, February 10, 2011

5th Grade Curriculum

My oldest child is in 5th grade, although it seems like she's still that tiny little person on my profile pic! She never ceases to amaze me with her insights. She's so precious! "Tweenager" is easy to homeschool. She's extremely self-motivated and works hard to get her assignments done. In her opinion, the sooner she gets her work done, the quicker she can have free time. It's not unusual for her to have her core assignments done before 11 AM!

All in all, she has the same curriculum as her younger brother, but on her grade level.

Bible, English, reading and spelling are Bob Jones. As I stated in my earlier post, I really like BJU Bible, English, and reading. The spelling is good, but I really prefer Horizons. Unfortunately, 3rd grade is the highest level of spelling so far.

Speaking of Horizons, we use math 5 for Tweenager. It's incredible to see her whiz effortlessly through each assignment and ace it! She gets her mathematical ability from her dad ~ definitely not me!

Handwriting is also "A Reason for Handwriting" but instead of transition, she uses "Cursive E".
The writing lines on the decorative paper are narrower than the transition, preparing her for college-ruled notebook paper.

For science, she has level 1 Real Science 4 Kids. Geography is map skills and Mailbox USA states and capitals.

We do history together, but she has her own readers that are scheduled to go along with our lessons. She also does history pockets and uses the Wii for videos.

She's involved with Upward basketball and is amazing at the violin. We had to take a break, however, due to fiances. We hope to get her back into lessons soon! She's also in children's choir at church ~ she loves to sing! I also want to get her into piano as well.

Tweenager on the defense!

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